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My Brown Skin Princss

Ali Ibrahim-Hirji

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

By: Ali Ibrahim-Hirji


My brown skin Princess, I love you

From your brown eyes to your golden skin

You need not be ashamed of where you have been

But the truth is they have lied to you

They have made you believe that your silence is expected

They have tricked you into thinking that their structures need not be objected

By brown skin Princess, my sweet baby, your skin is honey

But I will say that I think I find it kind of funny

That when you raise your voice, you are told you are aggressive

But when they shout theirs from an ivory tower, they are praised for being expressive

How when you step into a room,

Your intellect will be determined by how you dress

But when they step into a room, their value is automatically in excess

How your hair will be a talking point, but not the ideas that you brought

I wish I could simply show them all the wars you have already fought

The strength that you bring the fight in your bones

My brown skin Princess, just know that you will never be alone

And while I wish I could change that right now,

Rip out that toxic venom from this world’s body and blood

Cleanse it of the hatred that already treats you as mud

I cannot on my own, but I will try as hard as I can

Because for you my brown skin Princess,

Creating a better tomorrow for you, should be my duty as a man

My brown skin Princess,

I love you,

And I will fight for you

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